what you love
When you become a client of B. Roll Media, you directly and indirectly get access to all of the knowledge, experience, networking, training and resources that we have invested in.
We have over 25 courses in our repertoire (valued at over $15k!!!) that you get to take advantage of—WITHOUT all the late night hours spent staring at a screen. WITHOUT logging all the social media hours jumping through loops so the algorithm gods will reward you. WITHOUT watching YouTube videos trying to figure 'it' out, whatever it is.
We get it. It takes a LOT of time to formulate and execute a marketing plan that results in actual growth. You can keep hoping you'll find the time OR you can keep doing what made you great in the first place and let us take it from there. Sound good? We think so, too.
we specialize in:
Our Goals
To exponentially grow your business by developing even better content, identifying and showcasing a clear story brand, boosting engagement by landing your product/service in front of the right audience, all while making sure you're getting the most from each of your platforms.
"I've been where you are. I remember when I asked for help for the first time. I ultimately declined the marketing offer, thinking I just needed to suck it up and manage my time better. Honestly, I was too scared to spend the money. I didn't trust the process. I feared the investment. It eventually lead to a personal and professional burn out. I ended up quitting my apparel business not too long after. Now, I look at a friend's boutique business that started around the same time I did. They hired a marketing agency back then are experiencing $100k months. I can't help but wonder what might've happened had I made that leap and signed that offer. Don't make the same mistake I did."
I'm a Florida native living in central Ohio. I met my hunky fireman hubby randomly on a trip to Columbus and the rest is history. We are obnoxiously in love. We have two gorgeous daughters, 8 and 9. We love to have fun, travel and all is right in the world if we are together. It's true, I am prone to workaholism and addicted to being successful, but being the best wife and mom supersedes all of it.
In 2016, I was diagnosed with a vestibular schwannoma (fancy word for brain tumor). Brain surgery was brutal and to distract myself from reality, I started an apparel company. It grew to about 8k followers organically in two years. I had no idea what I was doing, honestly, but whatever I was doing worked--worked so well I got too busy and realized my "accidental business" wasn't what I wanted in life. I walked away from it all. People thought I was crazy.
When both my girls went to school, I found myself a small bit stir crazy. I hung up my entrepreneurial hat and worked for someone else's company for a few years. It was here that I picked up a few new skills and sharpened some I had organically developed with my previous biz.
In 2020, I was recruited to do some freelance marketing for my hair salon. When word got out I was doing that, I got a few more inquiries. I decided if I was going to start taking people's money... I absolutely had to be the best! (Any other enneagram 3s out there?)
I reached out to someone I knew in marketing for a mentorship and instead got a job offer from her. So I've spent the last year getting my metaphorical feet wet at a digital marketing firm in downtown Columbus. I am constantly adding to my experience roster with training courses and networking with others in the industry.
...which brings us to present day. I've been building an all-star team of my own and so excited to announce I'll be taking on new clients in 2022.